VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


1.ponytail (noun)= 马尾
ex: I don’t have a ponytail today because I like my hair down.

2. rake (verb/noun)= 耙 耙树叶🍂
ex: you need to rake the leaves in autumn.
ex: Mr Pig has a rake.

3. bullet (noun)= 子弹
ex: MB takes out the bullet by accident.

4. Congratulations! 恭喜
ex: everyone says “congratulations!”

5. miracle (noun)= 奇迹
ex: It was a miracle when MB took out the bullet out of the body.


His family didn’t help him. He painted the fence by himself.
Their parents didn’t help them, they made breakfast by themselves.
Her mother usually helps her put her hair in a ponytail. But today she did it by herself.
Do you need any help? I’ll help you, you don’t have to rake the leaves by yourself.
Nobody is helping him, he’s washing the dishes by himself.
I planted these flowers by myself. Nobody helped me.
Our teacher can’t help us.  We’ve got to do our homework by ourselves. You don’t have to go on the roller coaster by yourself, I’ll go with you.

Writing exercise

What’s your plan for the holiday?

Today I will do all of my homework, then I will do some exercises for PE during the holiday, and I will play.