VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W]


1.mistake (noun)= 错误
ex: I made lots of mistakes in my homework.

2. grade (noun)= 成绩
ex: do you get good grades in school?
ex: Yes I get good grades in school.

3. mark (noun)= 分数
ex: what mark did you get on the test?
ex: I got a good mark on my math test.

4. every week= 每一周
bi-weekly= 每两周
ex: I clean my apartment bi-weekly.
ex :I make models bi-weekly. 

5. get a haircut= other people cut your hair
ex: I get a haircut every 3 months.
ex: I get a haircut every month.

6. struggle (verb)= 挣扎
ex: I’m struggling with math
ex: Lily is struggling with WZ because she can’t carry herself.

Writing exercise

Our teacher said if you can do all homework in the school, you can tell me a demand. We are all very fun, because we all can do homework in the school.

One week, we only need to write two writing, the other classes have four writings.

Our teacher was very angry, because a student roll the eyes of our teacher.

My math homework is not good, I have many mistakes.


Our teacher said if you can finish all the homework at school, you can ask me for a request. We are all very excited, because we can all do the homework at school.

One week, we only need to do two writings a week, the other classes have to do four writings.

Our teacher was very angry, because a student rolled his eyes to our teacher.

I didn’t get a good mark on my math homework, I had/made many mistakes.