VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W]


write a paragraph using “always, usually, sometimes, rarely, never”


always 100%

usually 90%

sometimes 50%

rarely 10%

never 0%

Vocabulary (verb)= da dian hua
ex: can you call you mom?
ex: can you call me tomorrow?
ex: can you call her?

2. fake (adj)= not real
ex: Mr Bean made a fake bird.

3. yell at XX= say very loudly to XX
ex: my mom yells at me when I don’t clean my room.
ex: My mom yells at me when I don’t do my homework.

Writing exercise

I want to be an engineer in the furture. The engineers can build many tall buildings. I’d like to make hours too. The engineers are very important. Because without them, we don’t have houses too live. I want people can live happily. So I want to be an engineer.


I want to be an engineer in the future. The engineers can build many tall buildings. I’d like to build houses too. The engineers are very important, because without them, we wouldn’t have houses to live. I want people to live happily, so I want to be an engineer.