VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W]


ignore= ig NORE

product= PRO duct

experience= x BEE ree yes

familiar= fa MI lee yer

He has a bat on the bed

i bet you can get a net on the deck.

Jack has a fat bag on the mat

Patty has a mat on her fat cat


1.given that = 前提是
ex: I can go with you given that you pay.

2. hire= 雇用
ex: are you guys hiring?
ex: Sorry we are not hiring at the moment, we will let you know when we do.

3. interviewer= 面试人
ex: the interviewer looks very nice. helper = 打扫阿姨
ex: My help ignores me when I tell her clean the floor.

5. awful= 差劲的
ex: the food is awful.

6. lick (verb)= 舔
ex: some people say that if you have a mosquito bite, you can lick it and it won’t be itchy.

7. familiar with/ familiar= 熟悉
ex: I’m not familiar with the industry.
ex: You look familiar, have I seen you somewhere?

Writing exercise

I had three interviews before I joined the foreign company. I really cherish this opportunity, so I prepared a lot of things before the interview.

In the first round, I had a one-on-one interview with the product director. In the second round, there are seven interviewers, I needed to introduce a product to them with a PPT. Due to I didn’t contact with this industry, and I had no experience with similar products, so they weren’t satisfied with my introduction. They sitll gave me a chance for a third interview, I was lucky to pass the interview.

I thought they were pay attention to my spoken English, but they ignored my English level. It’s not mandatory for us to check-in or check-out.

Now due to I want to get a promotion, so I need to learn English well. Sometimes I will treat my colleagues to dinner because they often help me in my work.


I had three rounds of interviews before I joined the foreign company. I really cherish this opportunity, so I prepared a lot for the interview.

In the first round, I had an one-on-one interview with the product director. In the second round, there were seven interviewers, I needed to introduce a product to them with a PPT. Since I wasn’t familiar with this industry, and I had no experience with similar products, so they weren’t satisfied with my introduction. They still gave me a chance/opportunity for a third interview, I was lucky to pass the interview.

I thought they focused on my spoken English, but they ignored my English level. It’s not mandatory for us to clock-in or clock-out.

Since I want to get a promotion, so I need to learn English well. Sometimes I will treat my colleagues to dinner because they always help me at work.