VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W]


blue exercise book: page 6,7,8,9


bought= bot

snack= sn A ck 🍦

snake= sn ayyyyy k 🐍


1.snack= 小吃 零食
ex: it’s a very good snack, you can try it.
ex: I used to eat snacks every afternoon.

2. reputation= 名誉
ex: she destroyed her boss’ reputation.

3. shelf = 架子
ex: your cookies are on the bookshelf. 

4. plate= 盘子
ex: you will see lots of plates in the kitchen.

5. refrigerator (fridge)= a place to put food and it will be cold
ex: I have lots of masks in my fridge.

6. pajamas ( PJ) = sleeping clothes
ex: Mom, did you see my PJs?

7. attic= 阁楼
ex: people put unused things in the attic.

8. yard= a place with grass
ex: I have a front yard and a backyard.

9. garage = 车库
ex: i never park my car in the garage because I always have to go out.

10.basement= 地下室
ex: Some international students will live in the basement because the rent is cheaper.

Writing exercise

Last week, the former member of Rocket girls, Yamy, who uploaded a letter on Weibo. According to the letter, we knew that her boss said she was ugly and incited/stirred others to admit it. Most people got angry with the boss’ behavior, but the some people thought the boss just wanted to change Yamy’s style because he didn’t agree with her “prettiness/ beauty” “pretty” was not fit to her. He thought “coolness” would fit her more.

I thought Yamy was going to be in trouble because she dissed her boss in public. SO if we don’t have enough resources and money, we need to think twice before we do anything then act.