VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W]


1.extinct= 灭绝的
ex: the dinosaurs are extinct.
ex: The pandas will be extinct if we don’t protect them.

2.fossil= 化石
ex: we learn about dinosaurs from the fossils.

Writing exercise

I want to go to GanSu. Because there’re many historycal sites, and there are many trad intional food. I like eating very much. Then, I want to go to Australia. I want to see kangroos. They’re very lovely. They can jump very high. I can play canoe. It’s fun. I like play canoe much.


I want to go to GanSu, because there’re many historical sites, and there are many traditional food. I like eating very much. Then, I want to go to Australia. I want to see the kangaroos. They’re very lovely and can jump very high. I can go canoeing. It’s fun. I like canoeing very much.