VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W]


use the words we learned today and write something


1.envy= when you want to be like XX
ex: i really envy the little kids because they have a 2 months holiday.

2. slack off= not motivated to do things 松懈
ex: In the afternoon, I will slack off a little.
ex: don’t slack off! keep it up!

3. fate= life命运
ex: do you think one’s fate is determined by birth?

4. born with a silver spoon = born rich
ex: WSC is born is a silver spoon.

5. fine-dining= expensive restaurant
ex: In fine-dining, your server will check your coat.

6. bund= 外滩
ex: i like all the restaurants at the bund.

7. risky (adj)= have risk
ex: it’s risky to have a plastic surgery.

8. couch potato = when you just lie on the sofa
ex: I’m always a couch potato on the weekends.
ex: it’s easy to get fat if you are a couch potato. 

9. chubby= 肉肉的
ex: your baby is so chubby.
ex: My husband is a little chubby.

10. narrow— wide= 窄    宽
ex: my face is narrow.
ex: the road is too narrow, please drive carefully.
ex: People with a narrow face are very photogenic.

11. abroad= foreign country
ex: I cannot travel abroad at the moment because I won’t be able to enter China.
ex: my classmates have gone abroad.

12.spray= 喷喷
ex: men all use hairspray.

13. chaos (K os)= 混乱 一团乱
ex: is it still a chaos in America?
ex: this is a chaos, you have to redo everything.

Writing exercise

(1)fat removal
eg. I planed to have a fat removal of the legs, but finally I gave up the idea, because it’s risk.

(2)face lifting
eg. My aunt had 2 face liftings, her face looked strange.

eg. Most girls want to marry a man with a better situation, but in fact most men with a batter situation already have married.

eg. 5 years of hard work now will determine how you live the next 20 years.

eg. lying in bed watching TV is my favorite thing to do.
eg. Child has to be honest, can’t lie.

eg. More and more people choose to use beauty treatments to maintain their skin look young.

eg. Your discount coupon has expired, you can’t use it today, I’m so sorry.

eg. I have to keep a nice partership with the other departments of our company, so I can get more resources.

eg. I never thought poilt could lose their jobs, but this year it happened, so anying is possible.

(1)fat removal
eg. I planned to have a fat removal on my legs, but finally I gave up the idea, because it’s risky.

(2)face lifting
eg. My aunt had 2 face liftings, her face looked strange.

eg. Most girls want to marry a man with a better situation, but in fact most men with a better situation have already married.

eg. 5 years of hard work now will determine how you live the next 20 years.

eg. lying in bed watching TV is my favorite thing to do.
eg. a child has to be honest, he can’t lie.

eg. More and more people choose to use beauty treatments to maintain their skin elasticity. 

eg. Your discount coupon has expired, you can’t use it today, I’m so sorry.

eg. I have to maintain a nice partership with the other departments of our company, so I can get more resources.

eg. I never thought pilots could lose their jobs, but this year it happened, so anything is possible.