VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W]


use the words we learned today and do a writing


1.calf= 小腿
ex: My calf is really sore after massaging.

2. thigh= 大腿
ex: chicken thigh

3. knee=膝盖
ex: I fell on my knees
ex: go down on (your/my/his/her) knees= 下跪

4. sore (adj)= 酸胀的
ex: my arms are really sore after skiing.

5. stiff neck= 落枕
ex: I had a stiff neck yesterday because I slept in the car for 2 hours.

6. stiff= 僵硬的
ex: it was really cold in Japan, my fingers were really stiff.
ex: her body is really stiff, she can’t do yoga.

7. flexible (adj)= 灵活的
ex: are you flexible? No.
ex: I have a flexible schedule.

8. propose (verb)= 求婚
ex: when a man proposes to you, he will go down on his knees.

Writing exercise

In another eight months, I will be at the legal age to learn the car. I’m a little excited. A few days ago, I was riding an electric car to cross the road, but the traffic light was turning into a red light, and there were only eight seconds. I was hesitating. When I was at the road crossing, there were only three seconds. I decided to rush to it. As soon as I accelerated, it turned into a red light. By then, I had passed one third, but I retreated.Now I recall that it was so dangerous.


In another eight months, I will reach the legal age to learn to drive. I’m a little excited. A few days ago, I was riding a scooter to cross the road, but the traffic light was turning into a red light, and there were only eight seconds left. I hesitated. When I arrived at the intersection, there were only three seconds left. I decided to go for it. As soon as I accelerated, it turned into a red light. By then, I had passed one third of the road, but I retreated. Now that I think back, it was so dangerous.