VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W]


finish the writing and complete the adjective sheets page 90, 91


1.blonde hair =黄头发

ex: Alex has blonde hair

2. curly hair =卷发
ex: Emily has curly hair. 
ex: Aiai has curly hair today!

3. bald = no hair
ex: He has no hair, he is bald. 
ex: James is bald, he doesn’t wash his hair, he’s happy.

4. straight hair =直发
ex: Anne has straight hair, she is happy.

5. said= 说
ex: Dorthy said ” I want to see them!”
ex: Aiai said “I like my curly hair”.

6. talk = 说话
ex: Can a dog talk? Nonono.
ex: Can a baby talk? Nonono.
ex: Can Aiai talk to Lily? Yes yes yes.

7. begin= 开始
ex: let’s begin the game!
ex: let’s begin the party!

Writing exercise

Dorthy is a little girl. One day Dorthy go to there farm and began to sing. One day Mr. Gao wants take Toto the dog away! Dorthy did’t was Mr Gao get Toto away but her dad put Toto in Mr Gao’s bag. So Mr. Gao go away, but Toto run away by hisself, and go home, and Dorthy is very happy! But they think Mr Gao will come back, so the fun away. But they see a big wind over there! so they just run home but no one in the house so, they just go in Dorthy’s room.

The wind blow house in the sky. When the wind is over Dorthy open the door she can’t believe her eyes! It’s so beaitiful! She goes outside and over the road, sudny a good wish was coming and sad “is you a good wich or a bad wich? Dorthy said: ” I am not a wich” But there was some one was toking. The wich sad :” There is some little woman and some little man.” Dorthy sad :” I want to see them !” “OK!” sad the wish, she began to sing and the little pepole is comeing! They begen to dance.


Dorthy is a little girl. One day Dorthy goes to the farm and begins to sing. One day Mr. Gao wants bot take Toto the dog away! Dorthy didn’t want Mr Gao to take Toto away but her dad puts Toto in Mr Gao’s bag. So Mr. Gao goes away, but Toto runs away by himself, and goes home, and Dorthy is very happy! But they think Mr Gao will come back, so they run away. But they see a big wind over there! so they just run home but no one is in the house so, they just go in Dorthy’s room.

The wind blows house to the sky. When the wind is over Dorthy opens the door she can’t believe her eyes! It’s so beautiful! She goes outside and stands on the road, suddenly a good witch come and said “bare you a good witch or a bad witch? Dorthy said: ” I am not a witch” But there was some one is talking. The witch said :” There are some little women and some little men.” Dorthy said :” I want to see them !” “OK!” sad the witch, she began to sing and the little people are coming! They begin to dance.