VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


1.double standard (adj)= shuang biao
ex: I’m very double standard, now I think people with tattoos are hot.

2. hickies= “cao mei”
ex: It’s very difficult to remove a fresh hickie.
ex: You have hickies on your neck.

3.pajamas (PJ)= shui yi
ex: I bought VS pajamas.

4. diameter (noun)= zhi jin
ex: the diameter is 14.0

5. commodity/ commodities (noun)= daily use products
ex: where do you buy the commodities? Online
ex: I like to buy the commodities online because it’s more convenient.

Speaking exercise

So far, I bought more than 20 things. I bought clothes, lenses, commodities,

Writing exercise

The Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador

1.add the top3 travel destinations into my bucket list.i want to go to these places to experience scenery and history before they disappearing

2.protect the ecological environment so that we can leave these to next generation


The Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador

1.add the top3 travel destinations to my bucket list.i want to go to these places to enjoy the scenery and learn about the history before it’s too late. 

2.protect the ecological environment so that we can preserve them for the next generation.