VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


write about the speaking below


drain tail mail pail fail

may ray crayfish

ee: been peek teenager deep creek geek feed seed jeep creepy peeler
ea: bean peak tweak seal meal beneath
y/ey: money laundry donkey silly sunny rainy cloudy stormy sneaky lady

Speaking exercise

Describe a foreign culture that you like.
What culture is it? When were you first exposed to this culture? How does that culture compare to your own?

One of the foreign culture I really like is western culture. For example, last week, I went to my friend’s home, and I brought some chicken wings and LSF, the very smelly noodle that Chinese people fond of. My friends are americans and Canadians, they are very welcome to try it. Although in the beginning, they’re very unwilling to, but in the end, they’re willing to try it. I also asked them to go to different restaurants like hotpots and crayfish. Compare with the culture in China, it’s quite different, my friends always do what they want to do, they won’t try to do horse-riding, they won’t do anything adventurous, they won’t take risks to try different challenges. They’re very open-minded.


One of the foreign culture I really like is the western culture. For example, last week, I went to my friend’s home, and I brought some chicken wings and LSF, the very smelly noodle that Chinese people are fond of. My friends are americans and Canadians, they are very open to new things. Although in the beginning, they were a bit reluctant to try them, but in the end, they were willing to try it. I also asked them to go to different restaurants like hotpots and crayfish. Compared with the culture in China, it’s quite different, my friends always do what they want to do, they won’t try to go horse-riding, they won’t do anything adventurous, they won’t take risks to take on different challenges. They’re very open-minded.

Writing exercise

How my exercise and lifestyle have changed in the past 3 years.
After reading the article i have reflected on whether my lifestyle becomes healthier. The answer is yes since i have done my gene test in 2018.The gene result shows that i have a higher tendency to have diabetes and obesity. To avoid these horrible diseases, i’ve joined the “sugar cut-off” club, and done more cardio and resistant exercises.

To control sugar intake, i choose majorly eating whole-wheat bread and coarse grain products to gain carton. I would drink fruit tea without sugar added, and only eat fruits to maintain my sugar level. Plus i force myself to eat meat every meal to obtain enough protein, which is a big sacrifice that i was a half vegetarian before. I won’t use food replacement such as wonderlab, cause I think food is irreplaceable.

I’m person always fond of various sports , but have a strong preference of cardio excercises. To build up my muscles and reinforce my metabolism, I’ve begun doing lots of resistant exercises like lifting weight and repetitively exercising my muscles through classes. I have built up a habit to work out 3-4 times every week regardless, although i still don’t have obvious muscles and abs. However, the dopamine from doing sports makes me energetic and happy. i feel that I’m enjoying a much healthier lifestyle and i feel more confident than before.


How my exercise and lifestyle have changed in the past 3 years.
After reading the article i have reflected on the changes of my lifestyle. The answer is yes, since i have done my gene test in 2018, the gene result shows that i have a higher tendency to have diabetes and obesity. To avoid these horrible diseases,  (Since then), i’ve joined the “sugar cut-off” club, and are doing more cardio and resistant exercises.

To control the sugar intake, i mainly eat whole-wheat bread and coarse grain products for the carbs. I would drink fruit tea with no sugar, and only eat fruits to maintain my sugar level. Plus i force myself to eat meat every meal to obtain enough protein, which is a big sacrifice given i was a half vegetarian before. I won’t use meal replacement such as Wonderlab, cause I think food is irreplaceable.

I’m person always fond of various sports , but I have a strong preference of cardio exercises. To build up my muscles and reinforce my metabolism, I’ve begun doing lots of resistant exercises like weight lifting and repetitively exercising my muscles through classes. I have built up a habit to work out 3-4 times every week regardless, although i still don’t have obvious muscles and abs. However, the dopamine from doing sports makes me energetic and happy. i feel that I’m enjoying a much healthier lifestyle and i feel more confident than before.