VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


1. young= 年轻的
younger= 小时候
ex: when you were younger, did you study for tests?
ex: When I was young, I liked to play the piano.

2. at my computer= 在电脑前
ex: I’m at my computer everyday.

3. roommate= 室友
ex: I have a roommate right now.
ex: I’m looking for a roommate who can cook.

4. interested in XX= 对XX有兴趣
ex: if you are interested in the apartment, please call me.
ex: are you interested in math? in music?
ex: what are you interested in?

5. foreigner ( 4 reen ner)= 外国人
ex: Foreigners like body contacts.


Can you give it to me
Can you give it to her?
Can you give it to him?
Can you give it to them?
can you give it to us?
Can I give it to you?

Some people are taking the pictures. Many people are saying “Welcome”. The aliens are saying “thanks”. One alien is sitting in the spaceship. The man is giving them a key. They are wearing the big shoes.

Speaking exercise

The Martinez family is at the beach today. Mr and Mrs Martinez are BBQing. Mrs Martinez is making juice. Alex Martinez is reading magazines. Jimmy Martinez is listening to music. Tina Martinez is swimming in the water. The dog is sleeping on the beach.

Writing exercise

Tell about yourself. Look for a roommate.

Hi, I’m Mark. I want to looking a roommate. The apartment from XXX. I like listening to music and swimming. If you want it, please call me: XXXXXX.


Hi, I’m Mark. I want to look for a roommate. The apartment is at XXX. I like listening to music and swimming. If you are interested, please call me: XXXXXX.