VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


do a writing using the words we learned today


1.agenda/ planner= 手账本
ex: I use my agenda to remind myself what to do everyday.

2. perhaps= 或许 maybe
ex: Perhaps we could twist the idea a bit.

3. organized (adj)= neat 很整洁的
ex: your desk is very organized today.
ex: you are very organized, you always know when to do what.

4. ahead= 提前
ex: if you are a good chess player, then you need to think ahead 3 moves.
ex: If you want to eat at XXX restaurant, you need to book one month ahead.

5. bucket list =心愿单 things you want to do before you die
ex: you could make a bucket list.

6. look for= try to find 找
ex: I looked for my phone everywhere but I couldn’t find it.
ex: I never find what I’m looking for.
ex: If you’re looking for me, come to 915.

7. look up= 查找
ex: “where is XXXX?” you can look it up by yourself.
ex: if there’s a word you don’t know, you could look it up. 
ex: When I have a business trip to a new city, I will look up the places on the map.

8. give up= 放弃
ex: I gave up piano when i was 16 because I was too busy.

9. give in= 妥协 屈服
ex: I always give in at night and eat late night snack.

Speaking exercise

when was the last time you panicked

Two months ago, last I panicked was two months ago. One day, my husband and I took my daughter to a park. When I took her to the restroom, after I washed my hands, I couldn’t see my daughter. I founded her everywhere, I can’t found her. I ran to my husband and asked him “where’s my daughter?” He said he didn’t see her. So we panicked. At that time, I saw her near us. She was watching the other children drawing. We yelled at her and told her “next time if she want to go anywhere, she must told us and need with us”.

When my daughter plays, she always forget to go the bathroom.


The last time I panicked was two months ago. One day, my husband and I took my daughter to a park. When I brought her to the restroom, after I washed my hands, I couldn’t see my daughter. I looked for her everywhere, I couldn’t find her. I ran to my husband and asked him “where’s my daughter?” He said he didn’t see her. So we panicked. At that time, I saw her nearby. She was watching the other children drawing. We yelled at her and told her “next time if she wants to go anywhere, she must tell us and needs to be with us”.

When my daughter plays, she always forgets to go to the bathroom.

Writing exercise

Do you agree that people should make plans before doing something? Why?

Yes, I agree it.

I like make plans about everything including work,life and trip. I wonder the reason about it is my parents aren’t trustworthy, so I must think more than them. I’ve been boarding since primary school, and I have to make a list of the things which I need taking to school. I think I became a planner is because of these childhood experiences. Before I go to the supermarks, I’ll make a list. On the first day of each month, I make a plan and plan all my learing, work, fitness. The good habit helps me to have a better work and life.


Do you agree that people should make plans before doing something? Why?

Yes, I agree it.

I like to make plans about everything including work,life and trip. Perhaps my parents aren’t trustworthy, so I must think ahead more than them. I attended/went to boarding school since primary school, and I had to make a list of the things which I needed to take taking to school. I think I became an organized person is because of these childhood experiences. Before I go to the supermarkets, I’ll make a shopping list. On the first day of each month, I make a plan and plan all my learning, work, fitness activities. The good habit helps me to enjoy life and work better.