VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


1. screw= 螺丝
ex: you’re missing a screw, you need to buy one.

2. hardware shop= 五金店
ex: you can go to the hardware shop to buy a screwdriver.

3. miss= 少了
ex: you missed one word.
ex: you are missing a book.

4. lesson= 课
ex: today, we will learn lesson 5.
ex: we finished all the lessons this class, you can watch a movie.

Speaking exercise

One day, MB’s shelf is broken, so he need to go to the shop to buy a new one.

Writing exercise

Even though it’s raining, I must go out.

I like ice cream as well as chocolate

If I will sing, I have to rehearse

Out teacher let us memorize the lesson.


Even though it’s raining, I must go out.

I like ice cream as well as chocolate

If I will sing, I have to rehearse

Our teacher told us to momorize the lesson.