VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


regardless of= bu lun
ex: regardless of the weather, I have to come to work.
ex: regardless of where I live, I have to pay rent.
ex: Regardless of what I do, he still loves me.

regardless–>end of the sentence
ex: We just had dinner, but I can eat an ice-cream regardless.


1.gather my thoughts= bring my ideas together
ex: I spent a lot of time to gather my thoughts.

2. brainstorm (verb)= gather your ideas
ex: You should brainstorm before you start writing.

3.fob= fresh off boat
ex: I look so fob in this floral dress.

4. factor= yin su
ex: there are two factors of aging: the sun and sweet food.
ex: we need to take the factors into consideration.

5. do you buy it? =do you believe it?
ex: I have a daughter, do you buy it?
ex: there has been a case in GuoJin, do you buy it?
ex: “Did you know HL had an affaire?”  I don’t buy it! 
ex: When I saw him dating with a girl, I didn’t buy it.

6. pass by= walk by
ex: when I passed by Reel, I heard the street performers singing.

7. aging= get old
ex: Aging is inevitable.

Speaking exercise

On my way here today, I met a girl and her father, when I pass away the little girl, she said “Hi sister”, but I heard that her father said, “sister? No! Aunt!”.


On my way here today, I met a girl and her father, when I passed by the little girl, she said “Hi sister”, but I heard that her father said, “sister? No! Aunt!”.

Writing exercise

Being single or being in a relationship has its own advantages and drawbacks. For me, I prefer having a romantic relationship.

Obviously, being single is freer. For example, you can do anything you want without asking your boyfriend/girlfriend at first. As we know, man and woman are from different planets, there are always arguments which is not good for your health. So no one’s going to piss you off if you’re single and you will be happier. However, it’s not always good to be single. You may feel lonely sometimes, such as eating hotpot alone, hanging out alone on Valentine’s Day and so on.

Well, being in a relationship will be totally distinct from being single. The first different thing is that you’ll not feel lonely anymore. There’s always company at your side which means you have someone to share, to talk, to hug. You’ll feel double happiness because of you two. Even though life is difficult, you have support from each other. Certainly, there’re bad times too when you are together with someone. You may quarrel when you have disagreements, you may give up something you like for another person.

There’re always up sides and down sides whenever you are single or in a relationship, what really matters is how you get along with yourself.


Being single or being in a relationship has its own advantages and drawbacks. For me, I prefer having a romantic relationship.

Obviously, being single is freer. For example, you can do anything you want without asking your boyfriend/girlfriend for permission. As we know, man and woman are from different planets, there are always arguments which are not good for your health. So no one’s going to piss you off if you’re single and you will be happier. However, it’s not always good to be single. You may feel lonely sometimes, such as eating hotpot alone, hanging out alone on Valentine’s Day and so on.

Well, being in a relationship will be totally different from being single. Most importantly, you’ll not feel lonely anymore. There’s always company at your side which means you have someone to share, to talk, to hug. You’ll feel double happiness because of the two of you. Even though life is difficult, you have support from each other. Certainly, there’re bad times too when you are together with someone. You may quarrel when you have disagreements, you may give up something you like for another person.

There’re always ups and downs regardless of being  you are single or in a relationship, what really matters is how you get along with yourself.