VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


should +verb= 应该 70%
ex: I should practice English everyday
ex: You should drink more water everyday

must + verb= 必须 100%
ex: I must come to work on time.
ex: You must finish your homework

will +verb= 会
ex: I will tell Judy about you.
ex: I will have dinner after this class

can +verb= 可以
ex: I can wash dishes, but I don’t.
ex: I can ride a bike, but I don’t.

good at (noun) : I’m good at math
good at (ing): I’m good at drawing

used to (ing): I am used to drinking coffee in the morning


1.look XX up= 查
ex: I looked up the word ” xi yang qi” on baidu.
ex: you can look it up by yourself.
ex: You can look up the word in the dictionary.

Speaking exercise

I am used to working out on the weekend. I am used to eating more in the morning. I am used to watching TV at night.

I used to draw, but I don’t anymore, because it’s too difficult. I used to eat dessert, but I don’t anymore , because I have pimples.

Writing exercise

With the rise of the internet , most people are used to chat with others online , so we often see a scene that two people face to face play their phone when eating lunch. To be honest , I would rather stay along than chat with others in most free time, therefore I’m not good at to make new friends but I think it’s necessary to make more friend because you can get more useful advice from different friends. It’s faster than from internet or book. If I want to make new friends, I think I have to improve myself. Firstly I will improve my professional in order to know more friend in design cycle. Secondly I should to know more information in other areas to broad my social cycle. Thirdly I should to attend more social activities to overcome social phobia.
With the rise of the internet , most people are used to chatting with others online , so we often see a scene that two people face to face play with their phone when they have lunch. To be honest , I would rather stay alone than chatting with others , therefore I’m not good at making new friends but I think it’s necessary to make more friends because you can get more useful advises from different friends. It’s faster than looking them up on the internet or book. If I want to make new friends, I think I have to improve myself. Firstly I will improve my specialty in order to know more friend in the design industry/circle. Secondly I should to learn more information in other areas to broaden my social circle. Thirdly I should to attend more social events to overcome social phobia.