VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/R]


ceremony= SE re moan nee
rage= ray g
proportion= pro POR tion
cemetery= SEM me tary
circumference/ circulation/ circumstance


Regardless of the weather, I have to go to school
Regardless of the flight duration, I have to get back to China.

I am so full, but I still want an ice-cream regardless.


1.suffocate (verb)= 窒息
ex: I’m gonna suffocate in my mask.
ex: babies will suffocate if you put too much stuffed animals around them.

2. stuffed= 填满的 填充的
ex: I have 4 stuffed animals in my bed.

3. pay tribute= 致敬
ex: we should pay tribute to the people who have died fighting the virus.

4. deceased (de sees ed )= died (passed away)
ex: We visit the cemetery 墓地 for our deceased family members.

5. ceremony = 仪式
ex: wedding ceremony

6. road rage= 路怒
ex: most men have road rage, they must be the first in line.

7. mourn= 哀悼
ex: I think it’s more respectful if you mourn someone in person.

8. filial piety= 孝顺 孝道
ex: the concept of filial piety is deeply rooted in every Chinese person.

Speaking exercise

would you choose to pay tribute to your ancestors and deceased beloved ones online?

Yes, but I don’t attend tomb-sweeping even before corona virus. I don’t have this experience in tomb-sweeping. Not all Chinese people do the tomb-sweeping. But I agree this way to pay tribute to ancestors. On QM Festival, I saw lots of people post on moments to pay tribute to people who died in this virus, I think it’s good way. I don’t think you must go to the cemetery to show your mourning.

Last week, I saw people are burning the fake money nearby a cross road. I don’t think it’s necessary. No matter there is virus, everyone has different attitude on this kind of thing.


Yes, but I don’t participate in tomb-sweeping even before the corona virus. I don’t have this experience with tomb-sweeping. Not all Chinese people do the tomb-sweeping. But I agree with this way to pay tribute to ancestors. On QM Festival, I saw lots of people post on moments to pay tribute to people who died in this virus on moments, I think it’s a good way. I don’t think you must go to the cemetery to mourn the deceased ones.

Last week, I saw people burning the fake money nearby a cross road/ intersection. I don’t think it’s necessary. Regardless of the virus, everyone has different attitude on this kind of thing. 


Tomb-Sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday where people pay tribute to deceased family and friends. Online tomb-sweeping is gaining popularity this year. As people are advised not to visit cemeteries until the epidemic ends, would you choose to pay tribute to your ancestors and deceased beloved ones online?

Ancestors would understand things are not the same this year and they wouldn’t want to risk anything bad happening to their descendents. But rather than online tomb-sweeping, why not defer the physical ceremony to a later date when the coast is clear?

Just recently in a small town called Albany, population 90,000, in Georgia, USA, someone turned up to attend a funeral. Ten days later, 24 had died from the virus with six more on the way. It was fast-spreading cluster.

So if it is neither to be physical nor virtual, just delay the date of the ceremony. And if the virus rages on for a year or two, have it next year or a year after as two-in-one or three-in-one. Proportionately increase the size of the offerings thereto.