VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


please describe your best friend. what does he look like? Tell me about his personality.


does he/she have black hair? 有没有
is he/she wearing a hat?         是不是


1. glasses= 眼镜👓
ex: is he wearing glasses?
ex: What color is his glasses?

2. bald= no hair 秃头
ex: is he bald?
ex: lots of old people are bald.
ex: Jason doesn’t want to be bald because he likes his hair.

3. blonde hair= yellow hair 金发 黄头发
ex: Most Americans have blonde hair.
ex: I wish I had blonde hair so I don’t have to dye my hair.

4. curly hair= 卷发
ex: Does Judy have curly hair? Yes she does.
ex: Lily likes curly hair because it looks pretty.

5. straight hair= 直发
ex: Most Chinese girls have straight hair.
ex: Most American girls don’t have straight hair. 

6. dye (verb) = 染头发
ex: I dye my hair every 3 months.
ex: My mother likes to dye her hair.

7. thick (adj)= 稠的
ex: the soup is too thick, we don’t like it.

8. mean (adj) = 凶巴巴的
ex: Mrs Yuan is very mean, she doesn’t let us talk in her class.
ex: do you think you learn more from a mean teacher?

9. beard= 胡子
ex: a lot of men have to shave in the morning because they have beard. 

Speaking exercise

In the new year, we have 2 happy things. One is our assistant head teacher isn’t our English teacher. The teacher is our PE teacher, but many classmates thinks PE is very fierce. Everyday he has long face, and two is our “natural” teacher isn’t Mrs. Yuan, she is Mrs. Luo. I like Mrs. Luo because she is funny and Mrs Yuan is very fierce, she don’t like we say anything on her class. On Mrs. Luo’s class, we can say anything, and she can give me some experiments to do. She is very short. Some classmates is very tall, she is very short. In the high school, some classmates used to be tall, and she is amazed. I don’t like the food, it’s very crazy, because his soup is very thick so we don’t like soup.


In the new year, we have 2 happy things/ there are two happy things. One is that our assistant head teacher isn’t our English teacher anymore. The teacher is our PE teacher, but many classmates thinks the PE teacher is very mean. Everyday he has long face, and the second thing is that our “natural” teacher isn’t Mrs. Yuan, it’s Mrs. Luo. I like Mrs. Luo because she is funny and Mrs Yuan is very mean, she doesn’t like us talking in her class. In Mrs. Luo’s class, we can say anything, and she can give us some experiments to do. Some classmates were very tall, she is very short. In the high school, some classmates used to be tall, and she is amazed. I don’t like the food, it’s very crazy, because the soup is very thick so we don’t like the soup.

Writing exercise

I went to my friend’s home on Mid Autumn Festival. We played chess, play badminton and see a film. My sister, brother and I played badmion very happy, but a badminton racket was broken so we couldn’t played the badminton. We ate dinner at five o’clock. There were fish, duck soup, crabs and a chicken. I like eating crabs the best and I don’t like eat chickens

Finally we ate moon cake, we were happy together!

At eight o’clock, we went to home.


I went to my friend’s home on Mid Autumn Festival. We played chess, play badminton and saw a film. My sister, brother and I played badmion very happily, but a badminton racket was broken so we couldn’t played the badminton. We ate dinner at five o’clock. There were fish, duck soup, crabs and a chicken. I like eating crabs the most and I don’t like to eat chickens

Finally we ate mooncake, we were happy together!

At eight o’clock, we went to home.