VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


dauggter= dall der
company= compan neeee
complete= com pleeet


when my speaking –> when I speak English

on + specific days
ex: On Valentine’s Day
ex: On Christmas
ex: On the weekends

on +road
ex: I am on West NanJing road
ex: I live on Hai Ning Road.

in + month
ex: I will be going to Canada in October.
ex: I will call you in 2 mins.
ex: I will finish class in 40 mins.

in/ at +location
ex: I’m in JiuGuang, at the B1 supermarket.
ex: I’m in Shanghai, i’m at Jiu Guang


1. kindergarten
primary school/ elementary school
middle school/ high school/ secondary school
university/ college

2. public/ private/ international school

3. tuition (noun) = 学费
ex: The tuition in international school is very expensive.
ex: We pay 300,000 for private school’s tuition.

Speaking exercise

July 19th is my daughter’s birthday. There are so many kids attended in her birthday party. Some of them are her kindergarten classmates, some of them are her primary school classmates. They played together very well and celebrated her 8th birthday. That day, my work is very busy, I need quick finish to my meeting for my daughter’s birthday party. When I handle the important work that I need, put a lot of time into the work, if my family or my daughter have activities that I should be attend. So i think it is my responsibility, I do my best to do balance work and family. Every mother, if she works, it is common problem.


July 19th is my daughter’s birthday. There were many kids attending in her birthday party. Some of them were her classmates from kindergarten classmates, some of them were her classmates from her primary school classmates. They played together very well and celebrated her 8th birthday. That day, I was very busy with my work, I needed/ had to finish my meeting quickly to go to my daughter’s birthday party. When I need to handle the important work that I need, I have to put in a lot of time to the job, if my family or my daughter have activities/plans that require my attendance, i will be there. So i think it is my responsibility, I do my best to do balance work and family. It is a common problem for every working mother.