VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. picnic= 野餐
ex: I like to go to the park for picnic.
ex: I like to eat corns, mushrooms, shrimps, beefs and bananas for the picnic.

2. badminton=羽毛球🏸️
ex: we played badminton last week.

3. sweat(verb)= 流汗
sweat(noun)= 汗
ex: they were sweating soooo much because there was no AC.

4. documentary (noun) =纪录片
ex: I like to watch documentaries.

5. expert (noun)= 专家
ex: lots of experts say that if you drink too much milk, you will get fat.
ex: Experts say that if you eat too much sugar, you will age sooner.

6. sunscreen(noun)= 防晒
ex: I need to put on sunscreen everyday.
ex: Everyday, when i go outside to work, I will put on sunscreen.

7. humid (adj)= 潮湿
ex: Shanghai is a very humid city.

8. maintain (verb)= 保持维持 保养(车)
ex: it’s hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

9. envy (verb) =羡慕
ex; My friends all envy me because I don’t have work this month.

10. connecting flight =转机
ex: I have a connecting flight to Odyssey.

11. direct flight = 直飞
ex: I only like direct flights because i get very tired on the plane.

12. indoor —— outdoor 室内 室外
ex: I like to eat indoor because I hate mosquitos蚊子
ex: In the fall, I like to eat outdoor in the patio, because i like the wind.

Speaking exercise

I was so sad because next month I go to work. I have a rest for a month. For this month, I play badminton every Thursday and play snowboarding every weekend. I have time and I will with my friend have brunch in afternoon. I have full time to enjoy the lifestyle. This month I have no work and my friend is very envy me. I have time to do my favorite things and have no hard work.

I snowboard better. For this Chinese New Year, I will go to Italy to play outside snowboard. We plan to 12 days to Italy to play the snowboard. For this period, we have more time to train it. Everyday will play to badminton and snowboard.


I was so sad because next month I am going back to work. I have a vacation for a month. For this month, I play badminton every Thursday and go snowboarding every weekend. When I have time , I will have brunch in afternoon with my friend. I have a lot of time to enjoy the lifestyle. This month I have no work and my friends all envy me. I have time to do my favorite things and have no difficult work.

I learned how to snowboard better. For this Chinese New Year, I will go to Italy to do outdoor snowboarding. We plan to go to Italy for 12 days for snowboarding. During this period, we have more time to practice. For the next 10 days, I will play to badminton and go snowboarding.