VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]

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court= cort


i never drunk –> I have never been drunk  我没醉过


1. recover (verb)= 痊愈
ex: In America, when children get sick, they usually recover on their own.

2.death penalty= 死刑
ex: Death penalty is a very serious sentence.
ex: China is one of the few countries that has death penalty.

3. sexual assault= 性侵犯
ex: Nowadays, there are lots of news about sexual assault towards young children.

4. cruel  (adj)= 残忍
ex: It’s cruel to kill animals.

5. period (noun)= 月经
ex: I have my period today, but i feel fine.

6. sentence= 判决
ex: Some killers get life sentence and stay in jail forever.

Speaking exercise

Yesterday very not news that happen in Shanxi. A man killed three people two years ago. Yesterday the court make a decision that he will die in today. Many people talk about this decision is very heavy for his action. When he was 13 years old, three people he killed killed his mother. Some people say his mother died in his hug, when his mother died, they cut his mother’s body , he said that he never that moment.

Many years ago, when girls or boys drunk, some people saw that you stay alone, they will take you with some tools and take the people to the hotel. Some one will take one of the kidney.


Yesterday, a news from Shanxi hits the headline. A man killed three people two years ago. Yesterday the court make a decision that he will get his death penalty today. Many people believe that the sentence is too heavy for his action. When he was 13 years old, the three people killed his mother. Some people say that his mother died in his arms, when his mother died, they dismembered his mother’s body , he said that he could never forget that moment.

Many years ago, if girls or boys were drunk and people saw that you are alone, they will take you with some tools and take the you to the hotel. Someone will take one of the kidneys.