VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.cereal =麦片
ex: Lily likes to eat cereals with milk.

2. burger=🍔 汉堡
ex: I like to eat KFC burgers.

3. spaghetti= 意大利面🍝
ex: I am so hungry, I want to eat spaghetti

4. pasta= 面食

Speaking exercise

i think we have the TV, have the game, we need to enjoy it. I think children now are smarter because they have better teacher and much money can go to school, and have phone can learn of things.

I like to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. I eat noodles for breakfast. I want cake and fruits for lunch. I want meat, cheese and some milk for dinner, because I drink hot milk I can sleep.


I think nowadays we have TV and games, we need to enjoy them. I think children now are smarter because they have better teachers, they have more money to go to school, and they have phones which can help them learn new things.

I like to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. I eat noodles for breakfast. I want cakes and fruits for lunch. I want meat, cheese and some milk for dinner, because I drink hot milk before I go to sleep.