VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


the price is same Shanghai–> the price of the seafood is similar to Shanghai

很久没____ =  I haven’t ___________ for a long time
ex: I haven’t studied English for a long time
ex: I haven’t had hotpot for a long time
ex: I haven’t been (happy/sad/angry) for a long time.


1. snorkeling = 浮潜
ex: I went snorkeling in Hawaii last year, the water was so clean.

2. locals (noun)= 当地人
local (adj)= 地道的
ex: Angela, where can i eat local food?
ex: The locals are very tanned.

3. train= 火车
high-speed train= 高铁🚄

4. filter (noun)= 滤镜
filter (verb)= 过滤
ex: I always like to use filters for my pictures.
ex: In China, you cannot drink tap water, you must filter the water.

5. plants (noun)= 植物🌳
ex: There are no plants in my house because I’m afraid of little flies.
ex: If I have a little garden, I will plant some flowers and grass (草)

6. what else? =还有什么
anything else?= 还有什么
anywhere else?=还有哪里
ex: what else do you want to buy?
ex: anything else you want to eat?
ex: do you want to travel to anywhere else? = where else do you want to go?

7. lose weight —- gain weight
ex: Lily wants to lose weight, but Angela wants to gain weight.

8. nanny= 阿姨 保姆
ex: I had no nanny in Canada so I lost 3 kg.
ex: I have a wonderful nanny in Shanghai, I love her.

Speaking exercise

I traveled to Malaysia with my friends. The water was not clean, I couldn’t see any fish. We changed two hotels, every very good. Shangerila near the sea. Seafood was very good, the price is same Shanghai. We went to there for 6 days.

I go to Hangzhou after class, I take high-speed train to Hangzhou by myself. I haven’t seen him for a long time. We have a meeting 9pm tonight, so I have to come back to Parkson before the meeting. I want to take some pictures of XiHu and some flowers.

I cooked some food for myself because I want to gain weight. I want to gain weight for 5kg.


I traveled to Malaysia with my friends. The water was not clean, I couldn’t see any fish. We changed two hotels, both of them were very good. Shangerila was near the sea. Seafood was very good, the price is similar to Shanghai. We went to there for 6 days.

I will go to Hangzhou after class, I will take the high-speed train to Hangzhou by myself. I haven’t seen him for a long time. We have a meeting at 9pm tonight, so I have to come back to Parkson before the meeting. I want to take some pictures of XiHu and some flowers.

I cooked some food for myself because I want to gain weight. I want to gain weight for 5kg.