VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.puppy= small dog
bunny= small rabbit
ex: Eason has a little puppy named Bailey.

2. sell (verb)=卖
ex: I want to sell my old shoes.
ex: I want to sell my baby.

3. stink (adj)= 臭的
ex: poopoo 💩 stinks!
ex: he didn’t take a shower, so he stinks!

4. mean (adj) = 凶的
ex: My dad is mean, he slaps me on the face.
ex: My mom is mean, she said I look like a pig.

5. coin (noun)= 硬币
ex: Do you like coins? No because it’s heavy.
ex: Eason’s dad has a very expensive coin.

Speaking exercise

Eason look at the car has puppy, it’s very cute, he and her mom broke the window and help the dog. His dad said yes. One day, his boss go to his home and have dinner. The dog eat his coin so Eason was very worried and said “the home has a mouse”.


Eason saw that there’s is a puppy in the car. look at the car has puppy, it’s very cute, Eason and his mom broke the window and helped the dog. His dad said yes, Eason can keep the dog.  One day, a boss goes to his home to have dinner. The dog ate his coin so Eason was very worried and said “THERE IS A MOUSE!”.