VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


the car was not belong to him–> the car didn’t belong to him

I hurt my eyes 我弄伤了我的眼睛👀
my eyes hurts 我眼睛疼


1. impression (noun)= 印象
ex: If you go on a blind date, you want to make a good impression.

2. (go on a) blind date (noun) = 相亲 go on a date with someone you don’t know
ex: There is a park in People’s Square where many parents arrange blind dates for their child.
ex: My friend arranged a blind date for me last year, I didn’t like the man.

3. curious (adj)= 好奇
ex: My mom arranged a blind date for me 4 years ago, I agreed to it because I was curious.
ex: I’m curious about the rich people’s life.

4. boast (verb)= 炫耀
ex: My friend had three boys, so I boasted about my girl.
ex: My father boasts about me, but my mother boasts about my brother.

5. rumor (noun)= 谣言
ex: She likes to spread rumors in the company.
ex: Many people like to spread rumors, but it’s very harmful to the company.

6.  kindergarten 幼儿园
elementary school/ primary school 小学
secondary school / high school        中学
university/ college                              大学/大专

7. bachelor degree = 4 years in university
Master degree = +2 more years = 6 years
Doctor degree= +2 more years = 8 years

8. cherish (verb)= 珍惜
ex: Many people say “cherish the moments in school”.
ex: I want to cherish every moment with you.

9. describe someone who is “white”
light/ fair/ pale苍白
ex: you have very light skin! 你皮肤好白哟
ex: Lily are you ok? You look a little pale.

10. describe someone who is “black”
dark/ tanned
ex: Hermia, did you get tanned from the trip? Yea I got tanned, I went to the beach everyday.
ex: She has really dark skin because she never puts on sunscreen.

11. pimple (noun)= 痘痘

ex: I had pimples when I was in high school, I used many medications but they were useless.
ex: when I sleep late, I will have pimples the next morning.

12. freckle (noun)= 斑
ex: I have many freckles on my face.
ex: if you don’t put on sunscreens, you will be more likely to have freckles.

13. blackhead =黑头
ex: It’s hard to remove blackheads on your nose, they never go away.
ex: Tweezerman is an amazing tool to get rid of your blackheads.

14. itchy (adj) =痒的
ex: my ears are itchy
ex: my nose is itchy. 

15. I am hurt= 我受伤了 (❤️/身体)
ex: Stop saying mean things, I am hurt. 
ex: Are you ok? Are you hurt? 你受伤了吗

Speaking exercise

My ears are infected, I feel hurt. I went to hospital yesterday and the doctor told me my ear infected by bacteria/virus. I don’t know my ear become infected. She told me I could buy eyedrops to treat my ears. 


My ears are infected, and it hurts. I went to the hospital yesterday and the doctor told me that my ear was infected by bacteria/virus. I don’t know how my ear became infected. She told me I could buy some eyedrops to treat my ears.