VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


on + (day)
ex: I am born on July 27th.
ex: On Valentine’s Day, My husband didn’t buy me any flowers.

in + (month)
ex: I am born in July
ex: in the morning , in the afternoon


1.pretend (verb)= 假装
ex: stop pretending, I know you are not happy.
ex: I pretended to work hard, but I actually hate working.

2. immature (childish) / mature =幼稚/成熟
ex: You two are very childish, you make each other angry on purpose.
ex: I think my husband and I are both childish, but sometimes I think it’s fun.

3. volcano= 火山🌋
ex: there are many active volcanos in Hawaii.

4. erupt= 爆发
volcano eruption= 火山爆发

5. casino= 赌场🎰
ex: There are no casinos in Shanghai, it’s illegal to gamble赌博。
ex: There many casinos in Macau.

Speaking exercise

We have plan to Japan last week, but last month I know that XiangGen there is a volcano in XiangGen. These two days, they say there will be a volcano eruption. The government close the cable car and some place around the volcano. I think it was safe about this area. it’s two levels. They have table the danger about the volcano from 1-5, now it’s level 2. I think it’s safe so we can keep to play. My family know the new report, so they don’t care. my son don’t like girls, he likes older kids. we will just go to Tokyo, XG, Ming Gu House for 11 days.


We planned to go to Japan last week, but last month I found out that XiangGen there is a volcano in XiangGen. These two days, they say there will be a volcano eruption. The government closed the cable car and some places around the volcano. I think this area should be safe. was safe about this area. it’s two levels. There is a danger chart of the about the volcano from 1-5, now it’s level 2. I think it’s safe so we can go there to play. My family knew about the the news report, so they don’t care. my son doesn’t like girls, he likes older kids. we will go to Tokyo, XG, Ming Gu House for 11 days.