VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]

Vocabulary and powerful= 有钱有势
ex: I want to be rich and powerful and buy a time machine.

2. torture (verb)= 折磨
ex: The boss tortured Plankton, but Plankton ran away
ex: The boss tortured Plankton, but Plankton was very smart and flew away.

3. formula (noun)=秘方
ex: the formula of the hamburger is very important and yummy.
ex: I don’t want the formula, because I can’t cook.

4. terrible= 很不好
ex: My school is terrible, there are many spiders in it.
ex: The toilet is terrible, it’s too smelly.

5. tummy= 肚子
ex: My mom has a big tummy because she is fat.
ex: My tummy hurts, I drank cold milk and ate hot rice.

6. fix= 修
ex: I need to fix my phone, it’s not working.
ex: I want to fix the telephone, it’s not working.

7. destroy=毁灭
ex: The earth is destroyed by SpongeBob.
ex: The cat destroyed the sofa.

8.gross= 恶心🤢
ex: Plankton eats the poo, he is gross.
ex: Plankton’s burgers are very gross, nobody likes his burgers.

9. team= 团队
ex: I have a team for the football, we are very good.
ex: I need a team for my new job.

10. steal =偷
ex: He steals the money, and runs away.
ex: Plankton wants to steal the formula, but he can’t get it.

Speaking exercise

In this movie, Plankton is green and small, he wants to catch the formula, but the boss watch him and to fight him. SpongeBob and Plankton together to fly away. The city is very mean. They make a time machine to fly to future. They see Patty, he is very old, and they are afraid and back the time machine. They go to the universe, they see a dolphin, he watch the two planets hit each other, and they go to the time machine and fly to the past. They catch the formula and back. I think that is not the formula.


In this movie, Plankton is green and small, he wants to steal the formula, but the boss catches him and wants to fight him. SpongeBob and Plankton together to fly away together. The city is very messy. They make a time machine to fly to to the future. They see Patty, he is very old, and they are afraid and run back to the time machine. They go to the universe, they see a dolphin, he is purple. he watch the two planets hit each other, and they go to the time machine and fly to the past. They get the formula and back. I think that is not the real formula.