VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.mood (m乌d)= 心情
ex: I’m not in a good mood= 我心情没有很好 😒
ex: I’m in a bad mood =我心情不好 😔
ex: I’m in a good mood= 我心情很好😄

2. frustrating= 烦躁的 (it)
frustrated= 烦躁的(人)
ex: It’s very frustrating when I can’t sleep at night, My body is tired, but my brain won’t sleep.
ex: I’m frustrated/ get frustrated when I see the two Russian guys.

3. (to be) depressed (adj)= 郁闷的 忧郁的😒 😒
ex: I was very depressed yesterday, because I couldn’t get back to how I was before.
ex: I am depressed everyday, because I don’t know why, I don’t want to live here.

4. flexible= 很灵活的
ex: In your current company, your working schedule is very flexible. You don’t have to work everyday.
ex: I have a flexible schedule, I can come and go.

5. envy (n veeee) (verb)= 羡慕
ex: I really envy your job, you know what you need to do, you have a purpose.
ex: I really envy my sister’s family, she has a very happy family.

Speaking exercise

I feel a little bit tired, I don’t know why, maybe I ate too much. When I came here, I just ate some food. Maybe afternoon, I have a lot of work to do, so I am in a good mood. I have to go on a trip, I want to go SiChuan province, I want to see the DL Mountain. I don’t want to take my boyfriend, he is busy with his phone everyday. If I have a long time, I will miss him. So this is very very complicated.


I feel a little bit tired, I don’t know why, maybe I ate too much. When I came here, I just ate some food. Maybe in the afternoon, I have a lot of work to do, so I am not in a good mood. I want to go on a trip, I want to go to SiChuan province, I want to see the DL Mountain. I don’t want to take my boyfriend with me, he is busy with his phone everyday. If I leave for a long time, I will miss him. So this is very very complicated/ this is a complicated matter.