VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.awkward (adj) = 尴尬的
ex: It’s very awkward for me when they don’t talk to each other.
ex: It will be very awkward for him if his mother doesn’t get along with my family.

2.pregnant (adj) = have a baby
ex: When I was pregnant, I was very frustrated.
ex: When I was pregnant, I didn’t want to see my husband.

3. frustrated= 烦躁的
ex: I was very frustrated when I was pregnant, I didn’t want to talk to my husband at all.
ex: I get frustrated when I think about my son’s kindergarten.

4. mother-in-law= 婆婆
ex: my mother-in-law wants to amend the relationship, but my family refuses.
ex: The majority of the people don’t like their mother-in-law.

5. excuse= 借口
ex: What’s your excuse for being late? My dog ate my homework.
ex: It’s hard to find an excuse for not going to the dinner.

6. curious= 好奇
ex: I’m very curious of your mother-in-law, what does she looks like?
ex: Show me show me, I’m really curious.

7. fob= fresh off boat 很土
ex: she looks really fob, I don’t like the way she dresses.

8.chemo (keemo)= 化疗
ex: She did chemo and the surgery for the breast cancer.

9. find out= 发现 察觉
found out= 发现了 察觉了
ex: How did they find out about the breast cancer?
ex: They found out about the breast cancer because my father-in-law felt something hard in her breast.

10. pork=猪肉
ex: She can eat pork but not chicken.

11. prenup= 婚前协议
ex: he asked me to sign the prenup, but we couldn’t get one in HK.

Speaking exercise

my husband’s mother asked me to have a dinner with her together, I don’t want to go. I will find a reason. My grandparents went to my home today, his mother said “take your grandparents have dinner together”.  Something happened between my family and her, so my parents don’t like his mother. My parents don’t want to contact with her, only for when my parents go to hospital/ not feel very good, will ask her to take care of my son.


my mother-in-law asked me to have a dinner with her together, I don’t want to go. I will find an excuse. My grandparents went to my house today, his mother said “take your grandparents to the dinner together”.  Something happened between my family and her, so my parents don’t like his mother. My parents don’t want to communicate/see/get in touch with her, only under certain circumstances, when my parents go to hospital/ don’t feel well, they will ask her to take care of my son.