VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.jay-walk= 横穿马路
ex: It’s dangerous to jaywalk, you might get hit by a car.
ex: It’s not a good habit to jaywalk.

2. awareness= being aware of something
ex: safety awareness 
ex: sexual awareness 

3.deceive (verb)= lie 欺骗
ex: She is deceiving herself, she refuses to see the truth.
ex: Some business partners like to scam and deceive other people.

4. dilemma (noun)= 困境 进退两难
ex: My friend is in a dilemma, she doesn’t know if she should break up with him or not.
ex: When you are in a dilemma, it’s very hard to choose what’s right.

5. subordinates= 下属
ex: I have several subordinates who report directly to me.
ex: It’s important to be nice to your subordinates, they could help you a lot.

6. surrogacy= 代孕
surrogacy mother = 代孕妈妈
ex: given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy.
ex: Surrogacy is a very controversial issue, many people dislike it.

7. inhumane= 不人性化
ex: The policies are inhumane, why must the company fire women who are over the age of 40?

Speaking exercise

I lunched with my friend, she is also my ex-colleauge, she has relationship with a man for more than 10 years. Last week, he man told her he got a new offer, he wants to move to Korea. The man didn’t propose her and only told her the apartment they live now will expire in September. She don’t know what she could do, because she’s not young, she’s over 40 years. There is a dilemma. We talked to her a lot of times, we think if the man does not have a plan for so many years, it means he doesn’t really love you, you should quit as soon as possible. Although she is our good friend, but she doesn’t really love her, she just used to him. We suggest that you should quit and you should rent a house by your own, but she said how could I live in an apartment one hour away from the office.


I had lunch with my friend, she is also my ex-colleague, she has been in a relationship with a man for more than 10 years. Last week, the man told her that he got a new offer, he wants to move to Korea. The man didn’t propose to her and only told her that the current apartment will be due in September. She doesn’t know what she could do, because she’s not young, she’s over 40 years old. There is a dilemma. We talked to her for many times, we think if the man does not have a plan for so many years, it means he doesn’t really love you, you should leave him as soon as possible. Although she is our good friend, but we believe she doesn’t really love him, she is just used to him. We suggest that she should quit and you should rent a house on her own, but she said “how could I live in an apartment one hour away from the office. “