VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


sc- sg sound: screen scream script scrap scratch scrub describe
st- sd sound: standard strip stream strap street steam stamp structure straight
sp- sb sound: spit spat spot spin span spell spring Spanish spinach 

y (ee): lady needy funny happy giggly


1. spot= seat 位子
ex: this is my spot, your spot is over there.
ex: Could you save my spot for me? I’ll be back in 5 minutes.

2. server= the person who works in the restaurant
ex: The servers are impolite to the travelers.

3. mutual = between each other 相互的
ex: we have mutual trust.
ex: we have a mutual understanding.

Speaking exercise

Why people don’t save the spot for others. I think the problem is not enough seat for everyone. There’s a competition. I think people if their basic needs are fulfilled, you will consider more things, such as respects.


Why people don’t save the spot for others. I think the problem is that there aren’t not enough seats for everyone. There’s a competition. If people fulfill their basic needs are fulfilled, they will consider more things, such as respects.