VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


sc- sg sound: scream scrap script describe description

ough= rough tough

oun (aon)= noun announce bounce ground “grey hound ” pound sound


1.scrap paper = 二手纸 废纸
ex: I like to write my time table on a scrap paper.

2.tough= 很难 hard, difficult  (thing)
tough (person)= 硬汉
ex: tough woman= 女汉子
ex: this is a tough project
ex: Life is tough, live everyday like your last day.

3. moody (verb)= 情绪不好
ex: Joanna is very moody today because she didn’t sleep well.

4. awkward (all k word) = embarrassed + weird
ex: It’s very awkward to talk to a stranger in the elevator.

5. exceed (verb)= 超越 超过
ex: If I exceed the KPI, I will get a bonus.
ex: How do you reward your team if they exceed the KPI?

6.cope= 适应 融入
ex: how long did you take you to cope with the mom identity?

7.brag= 夸大其词
ex: She likes to brag about her skin color.
ex: Beijingers like to brag about their connections with the leaders.

8. scumbag= 渣男
ex: He is a scumbag, he cheats all the time.

Speaking exercise

I had a dinner last Friday evening with my boss, he treated other partners from a French company.  Lots of funny things happened. we communicate with English, French, and Shanghainese. When my boss got drunk, he always ask for translator translate Shanghainese to French people. I taught French people how to eat lake crabs. After dinner, we took them to KTV, my boss said it’s Chinese entertainment.


I had a dinner last Friday evening with my boss, he treated other partners from a French company.  Lots of funny things happened. we communicate in English, French, and Shanghainese. When my boss got drunk, he always asked the translator to translate Shanghainese to French people. I taught French people how to eat lake crabs. After dinner, we took them to KTV club, my boss said it’s a kind of Chinese entertainment.