VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.hibernate (verb)= sleep in the winter
ex: Turtles and bears hibernate in winter.

2. mating season= the season when they have babies
ex: The mating season for turtles is spring, around April to May.

3. moderate (adj)= 温和的 适度的
ex: The temperature is moderate in spring, so it’s a good time for the turtles to mate.

4. life span= how long they can live
ex: what is the life span for the turtles? Around 100-300 years. Some even up to 1000 years.

Speaking exercise

what’s your plan for the National holiday?

I’ll draw a picture book. I ride my bicycle with my friend. I’ll take care of my turtle. On the English test, I got 97, so my teacher is pleased, so she gave me a little turtle. When I’m small, I have a little baby turtle, and it can run very fast. This turtle loves live in the water. It eat shrimps. I have shrimps in home, we just cut it smaller and give the turtle. I’ll put it in the box, sometimes I’ll put it outside. I have a fish tank, i have three fish, just bigger than a little shrimp. I have shrimps in it. I have 10 shrimps.


I’ll draw a picture book. I will ride my bicycle with my friend. I’ll take care of my turtle. On the English test, I got 97, so my teacher was pleased, and she gave me a little turtle. When I was young, I had a little baby turtle, and it could run very fast. This turtle loves living/ loves to live in the water. It eats shrimps. I have shrimps at home, we just cut them into smaller pieces for the turtle.  I’ll put it in the box, sometimes I’ll take it outside. I have a fish tank, i have three fish that are just a little bigger than a little shrimp. I have 10 shrimps in it.