VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


rules= roo ou s


1.fob= fresh off boat
ex: There are lots of fobs near the Shanghai Railway Station.

2. freaky= 惊悚的 吓人的
ex: it was freaky when he told me my address after 10 seconds.

3. nephew/ niece= 侄子/侄女
ex: I saw my nephew last week.

4. devastated (adj)= 绝望的
ex: I was devastated after 2015, I knew I had no privacy.

5. weed/ marijuana= 大麻
ex: Weed is illegal in China.

6. conspiracy (noun)= 阴谋
ex: this is a big conspiracy.

7. offend (verb)= 冒犯
ex: I was offended yesterday by a pedestrian.

Speaking exercise

Describe a foreign culture that you like.

What culture is it?

When were you first exposed to this culture?
How does that culture compare to your own?