VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


period= pee ree yed


her girl in Disney English study it.–> her girl was studying/studied English in Disney English.


1.rarely= 很少
ex: I rarely see the other teachers because we are so busy with our classes.
ex: I rarely take a nap in the afternoon.

2. state-owned enterprise= 国企
ex: Lots of my students work in a state-owned enterprise.

3. period= 月经/时间段
ex: I have my period today.

4. maintain= 维系
ex: it’s hard to maintain a good relationship with my elementary school friends.

5. hesitate= 犹豫
ex: Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/concerns. Thank you!

6. performance= 表现
ex: they will evaluate your performance and give you a raise.

7. homeroom teacher= 班主任
ex: their homeroom teacher always nudge them to remind them to do homework.

8. when are you off= 你啥时候下班
ex: I’m off at 6 today.
ex: are you off yet? Yea I’m off.

9. ttul= talk to you later
ex: I’m gonna shower first, ttul

10. flu= 流感
ex: I didn’t get my flu shot this year.
ex: if you have a flu, you should stay at home.

Speaking exercise

when I was an intern in a state-owned enterprise. My mentor always drinks tea and takes a nap.