VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


ai: sail pail tail hail rain pain gain frail
ay: railway sun ray  fray bay hay

200= two hundred

ea: bleach preach feast mean lean
ee: weed feed needy greedy


1.emoji= 表情😊
ex: We always/ usually use emoji to express our feelings on WeChat.
ex: Lily loves to use emojis. 

2. pharmacy/ drugstore =药店
ex: If you travel abroad and you feel a little sick, you can go to the pharmacy to buy some pills.
ex: Excuse me, where is the nearest pharmacy.

3. diarrhea (die a ree a )=拉肚子
constipation = 便秘 cannot💩
phlegm (flem)= 痰
insomnia (in so mia) =失眠 cannot sleep

4. prescription= 处方
ex: you need a prescription to buy antibiotics or sleeping pills.

5. prescribe= 开药
ex: Could you please prescribe me some sleeping pills?
ex: Could you please prescribe me some pain killers?

Speaking exercise

Sri Lanka
It’s a company outing in Sri Lanka, the time the bombing happened, I am in a famous temple. I was very lucky. Last month in New Zealand, a white man killed several Muslims, this is their revenge, they choose Sri Lanka and attacked the church on Easter, almost 300 people were killed in 8 bombing attacks. More than 500 people injured. They shut down the domestic flight and upgraded the security level. I don’t think it help a lot. There were not enough security check machines, they just stop people, open their bags to look. Now SriLanka forbidden people wearing the clothes to cover their face.


Sri Lanka
We had a company outing/ team building in Sri Lanka, when the bombing happened, I was in a famous temple. I was very lucky. Last month in New Zealand, a white man killed several Muslims, perhaps this is their revenge, they chose Sri Lanka and attacked the church on Easter, almost 300 people were killed in 8 bombing attacks. More than 500 people were injured. They shut down the domestic flight and upgraded the security level. I don’t think it helped a lot. There were not enough screening machines, they just stop people and check their bags manually. Now SriLanka forbidden/ban people to wear the voile/mask to cover their face.