VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


do a writing using the words we learned today *when was the last time you panicked*


1.consult *con sot* (verb)= zi xun
ex: I don’t know much about this, you could consult XXX.

2. panic (verb)= jing huang shi cuo
ex: When I lose my phone, I panic.
ex: stop panicking.

3. XX is dead= no battery
XX is dying= almost no battery
ex: My phone will die in less than one hour.
ex: My phone was dead, I couldn’t call you.

4. susPECT (verb)= huai yi
SUSpect (person)
suspicious (adj)= 可疑
ex: His wife was very suspicious of him, so she checked his phone and found out that he was cheating.
ex: my friend suspects her husband, because he always lies.

5. ban (verb)= jin zhi
ex: smoking is banned in the restaurants.

6. casino (noun) ca SEE no = a place to gamble
ex: my dad banned himself from the casino

7. souvenir *su ve NEER*(noun)= ji nian pin
ex: I like to buy souvenirs for my friends if they didn’t go with me.

8. accessory/ accessories *a SE sorry ) = shi pin
ex: girls like to buy lots of accessories.

9. electronics= dian zi chan pin
ex: Most men like to buy electronics.

10. remind (verb)= ti xing
ex: please remind me to call XX tomorrow

Speaking exercise

what kinds of gifts would you buy for your friends’ birthday?

I like to buy some accessories or electronics as a birthday gift. When I have time, go on a trip, I will buy some gifts, and I take them back at home. When I know somebody’s birthday is coming, I can take something of my home to give them. I think if we want to maintain with somebody, you have to remember his birthday, the way is helpful to maintain your friendship. I have over 500 people on my phone, I can’t follow everyone, so I use the birthday app, it can remind me to send birthday gift to them.


I like to buy some accessories or electronics as birthday gifts. When I have time on a trip, I will buy some gifts. When  know somebody’s birthday is coming, I can take something from the pile of gifts, and to give it to them. I think if we want to maintain a good friendship with somebody, you have to remember his birthday. I have over 500 people on my wechat, I can’t follow up/keep up with everyone, so I use the birthday app to remind me to send birthday gifts to them.