VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. patriotic (pay tree o tic) = someone who loves his country
ex: He is very patriotic, he doesn’t allow others to say bad things about China.

2. therapy = 诊疗
ex: I have to go to the therapy today because I hurt my knees.
ex: I have to go see the therapist today.

3. melatonin= 褪黑素
ex: the flight attendants have to take melatonin to fall asleep.
ex: I should try melatonin this weekend.

4. rot (verb)= 腐烂
ex: the apple is rotting, you should throw is away.
ex: I’m gonna rot in this company.
ex: If I stay in a room for 15 days, I’m gonna rot.

5. self-discipline= 自律
ex: if you have no self-discipline, then you will waste your time.
ex: I don’t have self-discipline, I never do what I plan.

6. hang out= “play” in English
ex: let’s hang out today.
ex: I hang out with my friends every weekend.

7. auto-pilot= drives by itself
ex: Tesla is auto-pilot.
ex: Didi is working on its auto-pilot technology.

8. jaywalk= 横穿马路
ex: lots of people like to jaywalk because it saves them time.
ex: I jaywalk everyday because my time is too tight.

9. pedestrian= people walking on the street
ex: the pedestrians are crazy in China, they don’t look at the lights, they just look at the cars.
ex: I don’t think I am a good pedestrian, I always break the rules.

Speaking exercise

I have a high school classmate, he has a job I think is very interesting. We play together every weekend, and he will describe his job for us. He is a pilot, he can pilot airplanes, he’s training in American. He will give us his video, it’s so good. He drives the big airplane, and he can travel to other countries and cities. I think it’s very interesting.


I have a high school classmate who has a very interesting job . We hang out together every weekend, and he will describe his job to us. He is a pilot, he can fly an airplane, he was trained in America. He sends us videos of him working, it’s so good. He flies the big airplane, and he can travel to other countries and cities. I think it’s very interesting.