VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


do you believe in long distance relationship?


1.consider= 考虑
ex: have you ever considered having a foreign girlfriend?

2. decent= pretty good
ex: I think you can have a decent conversation with a foreigner.

3. friends for benefit= sexual partner
ex: I thought they were friends for benefit, but they don’t even see each other.

4. try hard= 努力
ex: I have to try hard not to laugh.

5. permit= 执照
ex: they don’t need a permit to sell things on the street.

6. vibe= 氛围 气氛
ex: it’s a good vibe
ex: I like the vibe here.

7. clubbing= 蹦迪
ex: it was “clubbing day” yesterday on June 6th.
ex: how often do you go clubbing?

8. hinder (noun)= 阻碍 阻挡
ex: don’t hinder her on her studies.
ex: the equipments will hinder her performance.

9. stall= 集市中的摊位
ex: bathroom stall

10. vendor (noun)= 小商贩
ex: street vendor= a person who sells things at a stall.

11. it’s only a matter of money = 钱没到位
it’s only a matter of time= 时候未到
ex: it’s only a matter of time that you say yes
ex: it’s just a matter of money if you want me to sell things on a hot night.

12. vending machine (noun) = 自动售卖机
ex: I used to buy drinks from the vending machine all the time.
ex: There are lots of vending machines at the subway station.

13. street vending= 街边售卖
ex: is street vending legal?
ex: How can I get a street vending permit?

14. wet market= 菜市场
ex: I like to shop for meat and vegetables at a wet market. 
ex: My mom likes to shop at the wet market.

15. advantage= the benefit
disadvantage= 劣势
ex: there are lots of advantages when you shop at the wet market.

16. flaw= 缺陷 缺点
flawless= 没有缺陷
ex: GEM has a flawless voice.

Speaking exercise

procrastinate a lot. When I want to buy something on the internet, I will choose to buy it on 618. In my job, I always will wait till the last minute. Now is better than before, I’m improving. I know it’s a big problem, I will care. When i with my parents, I don’t have patient. But now i’m older, i have patient everyone.


procrastinate a lot. When I want to buy something on the internet, I will choose to buy it on 618. In my job, I always will wait till the last minute. Now I’m a little better than/compared to before, I’m improving. I know it’s a big problem, I am more concerned about it. When i stay/ am with my parents, I don’t have patient. But now i’m older, i have patient with everyone.