VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


most +

most expensive, most convenient, most beautiful
tallest, shortest


1. odor= 气味
ex: there’s always an odor on the towel.

2. hang out= 出去玩
ex: let’s hang out today
ex: where do you hang out?

3. guy friends= 男性朋友
ex: I might to skiing with my guy friends.

4. duolinguo= an app to learn new languages
ex: you could use Duolinguo to get a taste of Japanese.

5. KOL= Key Opinion Leader
ex: LJQ is the most popular KOL in China.
ex: Many people want to be KOL because money comes fast.

6. live broadcast= 直播
ex: Lots of KOLs are doing live broadcasting.
ex: I’ve never watched any live broadcast of LJQ.

7. recommend= 推荐
ex: A friend recommended me a video on Tiktok.

Speaking exercise

I plan go to Hokkaido to ski in October or November. I told to my girlfriend I will learn Japanese on the end of this year, because recently, I haven’t make good money. I learn English, therefore I don’t have spare time.


I plan go to Hokkaido to ski in October or November. I told to my girlfriend I will learn Japanese at the end of this year, because recently, I haven’t made good money. I am learning English, therefore I don’t have spare time.