VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]

Vocabulary politic= 办公室政治 官僚
ex: There is no office politic in SE, because the teachers don’t even see each other.

2. interpersonal relationship= 人际关系
ex: I need to work on my interpersonal relationship with my colleagues.
ex: I need to improve my interpersonal skills.

3. prejudice= 偏见
ex: people always have prejudice against old people.
ex: I have prejudice against people from Anhui, they cannot drive properly.

4. regional discrimination= 地域歧视
ex: Many people think Shanghainese have regional discrimination.

5. decent= 不错的 相当好的
ex: it’s hard to find a decent help.
ex: I’ll recommend you a decent restaurant: Pirata
ex: your husband has a decent job.

6. fussy= 毛躁的
ex: My cat isn’t fussy with the vet.
ex: Some babies are very fussy when they are hungry.

7. tell on XX= 告XX状
ex: my brother loves saying “I’m gonna tell on you if you don’t …”
ex: I will tell on mom if you don’t say sorry.

8. motto= 座右铭
ex: My motto is : You Only Live Once

9. athletes= 运动员
athletic (adj)= 会运动的 有运动细胞的
ex: your husband is very athletic.
ex: I realize that athletes make so much money.

Speaking exercise

When I came back to work, at first I found I finally have something to do. With this 6 months, I always doubt about myself, am I good enough. The culture of my current company is different from others. It’s quite traditional. it needs people relationship, I have to social and give them some good things. It’s too reliable about relationship. I still can’t used to this.

it’s also hard for my boss, we are always work in foreign company from we graduated. this is the first time we joined the local company. She is also trying to. Her style is really more directly, other people will misunderstand what she said. they will tell on her.

For now, I just try to avoid to talk to my colleagues, but I have to. I like to make friends with others, for now I can’t do that. I don’t know whether they will misunderstand what I said.

I think the job is not difficult, you can do everything well. Now I need to co-work with other colleagues, sometimes they will support me. Sometimes I feel lonely. Sometimes I have some decisions, they always say no. After discussing, they will accept it. They have prejudice against me.

When I went back to work, at first I thought I finally have something to do. In the past 6 months, I always doubt about myself, am I good enough. The culture of my current company is different from others. It’s quite traditional. it requires interpersonal relationship, I have to social and give them some good things. Our job rely too much on relationship. I am still not used to this/ I can’t adapt to the culture.

it’s also hard for my boss, we have always worked in foreign companies since we graduated. this is the first time we joined the local company. She is also trying to adapt/ fit in. Her style is very direct, other people will misunderstand what she says. they will tell on her.

For now, I just try to avoid talking to my colleagues, but I have to. I like to make friends with others, for now I can’t do that. I don’t know whether they will misunderstand what I say.

I think the job is not difficult, I can do everything well. Now I need to cooperate/ collaborate with other colleagues, sometimes they will support me. Sometimes I feel lonely. During decision-making time, they always say no. After discussing, they will accept it. They have prejudice against me.