VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


Watch a video in English. Write about your thoughts on it.


i bought a pen that was on sale

there was a room which was on sale.

regardless of/ regardless= 无论
ex: Regardless of the weather, I have to go to work.
ex: it’s raining but I have to go to work regardless.

ex: Regardless of how tired I am, I have to go to the gym.
ex: Even if I’m really tired, I have to go the gym regardless.


1. scold= 责骂
ex: his father usually scolds him in public.
ex: My mom loves to scold me if I stay home for too long.

2. in the hallway= 走廊里
ex: The teacher told the boys to stand in the hallway. 
ex: I used to eat lunch in the hallway. 

3. severe= serious
ex: teachers punish students in a severe way.

4. pass out= 晕过去
ex: I drank too much last night and I passed out.
ex: I think he passed out, should we call the ambulance?

5. pass away= die
ex: the old woman passed away.
ex: When I pass away, I want my bears to be buried with me.

6. optimistic= 乐观的
ex: My nanny is very optimistic, I’m always happy around her.
ex: it’s important to be optimistic because life is short.

7. pessimistic= 悲观的
ex: If the teacher is pessimistic, the students will be ruined.
ex: If you stay pessimistic, you will suffer from bad health.

8. suffocate= 窒息 闷死
ex: Little kids cannot play with plastic bags, because they are likely to be suffocated.
ex: I’m gonna suffocate in this weather.

9. labour contract= 劳动合同
ex: you must sign a labour contract with your employers.
ex:: I signed a 3-year labour contract.

Speaking exercise

should teachers be allowed to discipline students? to what extent?

I think teachers can discipline their students, but shouldn’t hit them or scold them. When I was in primary school, our teacher always hit the bad boys and ask them to stand out of the classroom. Most of the parents never cared about the punishment at that time.

Recently, there’s a big news. The nanny sits on the old woman’s face and suffocated her to death.  When she’s sitting on the face, she was very calm. The offer is “however she works two or three days, the employer has to pay the whole month”. The old woman is very old, so they’re not sure when she will pass out.


should teachers be allowed to discipline students? to what extent?

I think teachers can discipline their students, but shouldn’t hit them or scold them. When I was in primary school, our teacher always disciplined the bad boys and asked them to stand in the hallway. Most of the parents never cared/ complained about the punishment at that time.

Recently, there’s a big news. The nanny sat on the old woman’s face and suffocated her to death.  When she was sitting on her face, she was very calm. The labour contract stateseven if she works two or three days/ regardless of the number of days she works, the employer has to pay the whole month salary“. The old woman was very old, so they were not sure when she would pass away.