VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. stuffed (adj)= 塞满了 充满的
ex: stuffed animals
ex: do you hug stuffed animals to sleep?
ex: this room is stuffed.

2. brave= courageous勇敢的
ex: I’m not brave enough to get a tattoo.

3. controversial (adj)= 争议性的
ex: Euthanasia安ä¹æ­» is a very controversial topic.
ex: Death penalty is a very controversial topic.

4. ban= not allowed
ex: there’s a ban on smoking in the restaurant.
ex: you are banned from the casino.

5. invisible= éšå½¢çš„
ex: do you want to be invisible or do you want to fly?
ex: If she were invisible, she would follow Mr Xi.

6. visible= å¯è§çš„
ex: employers are starting to accept employees with visible body arts.

7. infected= 被感染
infection (noun)= 感染
ex: it’s easy to be infected in the hospital.
ex: I have an eye infection, my eyes are very itchy and red.

Speaking exercise

Our president put all the staffs in one group. He uploaded the pictures about the annual party from each branch offices. Today, he said you have to look at the pictures which he uploaded. More than hundred staffs like the pictures. We had hotpot for annual dinner. We had some events in the room, then we had hotpot. I chose the lucky draw. I chose the surface windows. I chose XiaoMi television, but I don’t need the TV so I exchanged it. Mine is apple pro, I don’t like it. I am used to use the Windows system.


Our president put all the staffs in one WeChat group. He uploaded the pictures about the annual party from each branch office. Today, he said you have to look at the pictures that he uploaded. More than hundred of staffs like the pictures. We had hotpot for annual dinner. We had some activities in the meeting room, then we had hotpot. I chose the lucky draw and got the surface windows. I actually got the XiaoMi television, but I don’t need the TV so I exchanged it. I have an Apple pro, I don’t like it. I am used to using the Windows system.


Do you have any tattoos? I don’t. I’ve never been brave enough to go under the needle. But if you do have one, you are not alone. According to a report by Experian, the number of tattoo parlours in Britain increased by 173% between 2004 and 2014. Tattoos have always been controversial – personally and culturally. Some people love them and some hate them. So, are they good or bad?

These days, one in five people in the UK has some ink– whether it’s a commemorative date, a sleeve or a full body suit. What’s responsible for this rise in popularity? “You see a lot of celebrities getting tattooed,” says Lee Clements of the British Tattoo Artist Association speaking on BBC radio. As a result, people want to copy them or it becomes a fashion thing – certain tattoos become a trend.

Employers have become more accepting of visible tats too. Last year, London’s Metropolitan Police relaxed a ban on recruiting candidates with visible body art. And earlier this year, Air New Zealand said it would end a ban on body art to allow workers to express their individuality and cultural heritage.