VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]

Vocabulary 双板滑雪🎿
ex: I tried to ski in Hokkaido but I couldn’t.
ex: It’s easier to pick up skiing.

2. snowboarding= 滑雪(单板)🏂
ex: A lot of people prefer snowboarding because it’s slower.

3. passed to= 传染给
ex: The children passed the flu to him.

4. humid= 潮湿的
ex: Shanghai is a very humid city.
ex: Dalian is a really humid place.

5. customs= 海关
ex: You have to clear the customs if you buy any luxuries.

6. chilled= 悠闲的
ex: Her job is very chilled, she can work from home.

7. touch wood= 呸呸呸
ex: if someone says something bad, he needs to touch wood.
ex: “I don’t think you will pass the test/ interview”. “can you touch wood??!!!!”

8. traditional (adj)= 传统的
ex: he’s a very traditional man, he thinks you should save money in all things.

9. obvious  *o vee yes* (adj)= 明显的
ex: it’s very obvious that you like him, you always look at him.
ex: it’s obvious that he will be late for dinner, he’s not replying you.

Speaking exercise

I will go to Thailand, I will go with my art center partner, I bring my mother. Just have a rest and enjoy the sun. We only need summer dress. I’ve never been to Thailand in winter, Shanghai is so cold and wet.


I will go to Thailand, I will go with my partner from art center, I will bring my mother. We will just have a rest and enjoy the sun. We only need to bring summer dresses. I’ve never been to Thailand in winter, Shanghai is so cold and humid.