VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.salary= 工资
ex: the average salary in Japan is 30,000 yuan.

2. win the bid= 中标
ex: we won the bid so our boss is super happy.

3. bid= 投标 出价
ex: you need to bid for the SH license plate.

4. auction= 拍卖
ex: there’s a jewelry auction, the highest bidder will get the diamond.

5. diamond= 钻石💎
ex: you will get a diamond ring when he proposes to you.

6. propose= 求婚
propose= 提议
(business) proposal= 企划书 计划书
ex: my ex-husband proposed to me in HK.
ex: I will give you my business proposal so you could invest in my company.

7. kneel/ go down on his knees= 下跪
ex: your boyfriend will go on his knees if he wants to propose to you.

8. exhausted= 心力交瘁 很累很累
ex: I always feel exhausted when I see my big boss.
ex: I feel exhausted after 10 hours of work.

Speaking exercise

Today I feel so tired, I wanted to tell you ” we cancel this class”. I pushed myself , you have to go out. I haven’t been worked long time. After Jan 1, I didn’t work anymore. I have work but nobody push me. I play my phone, watching news and movies. Last week, I went to MoGanShan. It was raining and windy. Our future partner, they invite us to attend their hotel opening ceremony.

I will stay 5 days  in Los Angeles, I will see my big boss in LA. Then I will fly to Mexico and stay half a month in Mexico, because we can stay for free. My boyfriend’s friend has a lot of friends in Mexico.


Today I feel so tired, I wanted to tell you ” we can cancel this class”. I pushed myself , you have to go out. I haven’t been working for a long time. I haven’t been working since Jan 1. I have work to do but nobody is pushing me. I played with my phone, watched news and movies. Last week, I went to MoGanShan. It was raining and windy. Our future partner invited us to attend their hotel’s opening ceremony.

I will stay in Los Angeles for 5 days, I will see my big boss in LA. Then I will fly to Mexico and stay half a month in Mexico, because we can stay there for free. My boyfriend’s friend has a lot of friends in Mexico.