VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


one friend of me opened a shop–> a friend of mine opened a shop


1. perm= 烫发
ex: the last time I permed my hair was 11 years ago.
ex: the hair stylist doesn’t recommend me to perm my hair.

2. do/put on your makeup= 化妆
makeup (noun)= 化妆品
ex: I always put makeups in my bag.
ex: it takes me 10 minutes to do/put on my makeup in the morning.

3. photo booth = little booth in the subway to take a picture
ex: I’ve never taken a picture in the photo booth.
ex: If you do your makeup well enough, you can get a perfect picture in the photo booth.

4. stickies= 大头贴
ex: I loved to take stickies when I was young.
ex: I found some stickies that I took many years ago.

5. bowling center= 保龄球馆
go bowling= 打保龄球
ex: I used to go to the bowling center once a month in Canada.
ex: I don’t like bowling because I can’t hit the target.

6. curl (verb)= 卷发
curl (noun)= 卷
curler (noun) =卷发棒
ex: I like to curl my hair at home with a curler 
ex: Nowadays, people like big curls because it looks younger.
ex: You must be careful when you want to use the curler, because it’s set on high temperature.

7. bangs= 刘海
ex: if I’m in a rush or being lazy, I will just wash my bangs.
ex: I can try another style of bangs next time.

8. wig= 假发
ex: cancer patients need to wear a wig because they lose hair.

9. chemo= (kee mou) 化疗
ex: when my mother-in-law did her chemo, she lost lots of hair.

10. faint= 晕倒
fainted = 晕倒了
ex: After the motorcycle hit me, I fainted.

11. concussion= 脑震荡
ex: I had a concussion after the accident.

Today we focused on:

I used to dyed my hair several years ago, but I’m concerned with the effect of your hair after two months, the roots will be ugly. I am concerned about the material you use to dye your hair. If you dye your hair very frequently, maybe it will hurt your health. Before I was planning to have baby, I stopped doing these things. I don’t like nails, I don’t like something on my hand, I put off the next day. I have long hair at that time.

The first time I applied for my Chinese ID card, I was just permed my hair, it’s very small roll. At that time, my hair is much darker. You need to take a photo when you apply a Chinese ID card, the policeman asked me, is your hair a true one or artificial hair? I need to pull your hair to prove that it’s true. I have been using this ID card for 10 years.


I used to dye my hair several years ago, but I was concerned with the effect of my hair after two months, the roots would be ugly. I am concerned about the ingredients you use to dye your hair. If you dye your hair very frequently, maybe it will hurt your health. Before I planned to have baby, I stopped doing these things. I don’t like to do my nails, I don’t like to have something on my hand, I will take them off the next day. I had long hair at that time.

The first time I applied for my Chinese ID card, I was just permed my hair, I had small curls. At that time, my hair was much darker. You need to take a photo when you apply for a Chinese ID card, the policeman asked me, is this your own hair or a wig? your hair a true one or artificial hair? I need to pull your hair to prove that it’s true. I have been using this ID card for 10 years.