VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


do a writing using the words we learned today


1. boast (verb)= 炫耀
ex: she likes to boast about her beauty.
ex: if he boasts about himself, I will tell him “don’t be so cocky”.

2. on time= 准时
ex: he’s never on time for dinner.
ex: you’re on time today.

3. direct flight= 直飞
ex: the direct flight from SH to Vancouver is 12 hours.

4. do the laundry= wash the clothes 洗衣服
laundry bag= 洗衣袋
ex: I always do my laundry on the weekends.

5. escalator= 扶梯
escalate (verb)= 逐步增强 升高
ex: can you stop escalating the problem?
ex: do you prefer the escalator or the elevator?

6. carry= 抱起来
ex: Do you want mommy to carry you?

7. promote (verb)= 升职
promotion (noun)= 升职
ex: I hope I could be promoted next year.
ex: I got a promotion!!! Dinner on me!!!

8. strive for= 争取
ex: I always strive to do my best.
ex: Sally always strives for a good grade.

9. process (verb)= 处理
processed (adj)= 处理过 加工的
ex: Processed food like sausages, canned food are not healthy for you.
ex: we have to process 17,000 datas every month.

Speaking exercise

Today I had a bad day. My leader told me this year she will promote another co-worker, I feel it’s very unfair. This girl came to this company later than me for 2 years, and she is younger than me. My leader told me last month, she will help me to strive for the promotion from HR, but she failed. She has many reasons, like half year ago, she had helped me to increase my salary. Now I’m not suitable people to promotion.


Today I had a bad day. My leader told me this year she will promote another co-worker, I feel it’s very unfair. This girl came to this company later than me by 2 years, and she is younger than me. My leader told me last month that she would help me to strive for the promotion from HR, but she failed. She had many reasons, like half a year ago, she had helped me to increase my salary. Now I’m not suitable for the promotion anymore/ Now I’m not a suitable candidate for the promotion.