VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.cocky= 自以为是的 目中无人的 装b的
ex: she’s very cocky because a lot of men like her.
ex: My ex husband is very cocky, he thinks he’s the best.

2.arrogant= 傲慢的
ex: He is very arrogant because he is from HK.

Speaking exercise

Last month, we got back together my hometown for 7 days.  On the first day, he met my parents. When they met, he didn’t talk too much. My mother didn’t have too many questions to ask, they were very embarrassed because they didn’t have topics. They just ask easy questions: have your work easy? My parents were divorced. My mother has a family, and my father has a family. He visit my father’s family, my father is a talkative person, he can make many topics, he’s always talking. My boyfriend don’t need to talk. My father said he’s a good boy. My father thought my boyfriend is a mature man, I think it’s because he’s old.

I choose him because we’re from the same place, we can know his parents easily. He has a stable job and he is nice to me.


Last month, we went back together to my hometown for 7 days.  On the first day, he met my parents. When they met, he didn’t talk too much. My mother didn’t have too many questions to ask, they were very embarrassed because they didn’t have any topics. They just asked easy questions: do you have an easy job? My parents were divorced. My mother has a family, and my father has a family. He visited my father’s family, my father is a talkative person, he could think of many topics, he was always talking. My boyfriend didn’t need to talk. My father said he’s a good boy. My father thought my boyfriend is a mature man, I think it’s because he’s old.

I choose him because we’re from the same place, we can know his parents easily. He has a stable job and he is nice to me.