VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.unconditionally= 无条件的
ex: My mom loves me unconditionally.

2.maternity leave= when you can’t work because you have a baby 产假
ex: in China, the maternity leave is usually 45 days.

3. bereavement leave= when your family members die, and you can’t work
ex: My sister used her bereavement leave to come to Shanghai to visit me.

4. elementary school/ primary school= 小学
high school/ secondary school= 中学

5. rumor = 谣言
ex: there are usually lots of rumors in the office.
ex: we shouldn’t spread the rumors among our colleagues.

6. souvenir= 纪念品 手信
ex: if you go to France, can you bring me some souvenirs?

Speaking exercise

When I was a child, I went to NJ with my mother, my aunt and my cousin. NJ is two hours drive from Shanghai. My aunt and her husband was the professor of NJ University, so we went to see them at the summer holiday. NJ is a beautiful city, there are many trees. When I was a child, the teacher of primary school told us a rumor: the stone of the YuHuaTai, always the stone is red. They told us the red stone is hero’s blood. We all liked the red stone and collected this. If we go to NJ and go to YuHuaTai and take back this. When we in the primary school, we wear the red scarves. This is very interesting story, when I grow up, I think this is not true. I think this is Chinese education for kids. When we in our childhood, we always get wrong story. For example: rabbits eat carrots, but they don’t like carrots.


When I was a child, I went to NJ with my mother, my aunt and my cousin. NJ is two hours drive away from Shanghai. My aunt and her husband were the professors of NJ University, so we went to see them during the summer holiday. NJ is a beautiful city, there are many trees. When I was a child, the primary school teacher told us a rumor: the stones of YuHuaTai are always the stone is red. They told us the red stone is the hero’s blood. We all liked the red stones and collected them. If we go to NJ and visit  YuHuaTai, we would bring the stones back as a souvenir this. When we were in the primary school, we wore the red scarves. This is very interesting story, when I grew up, I knew this was not true. I think this is Chinese style of education for kids. When we in our childhood, we always get the wrong stories. For example: rabbits eat carrots, in fact they don’t like carrots.