VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


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stop myself from XX
prevent myself from XX

ex: I need to stop myself from liking him. 
ex: He is not a good boyfriend, I need to prevent myself from getting hurt. 


1.environment (noun)= 环境
ex: If you live in a fast-paced environment, you will lose your patient.

2. patient= (pay tion t )耐心
ex: He doesn’t even have the patient to talk to me on WeChat.

3. impatient (adj)= 没耐心的
ex: I’m very impatient when I’m hungry.
ex: Most men are very impatient, they just want to get in bed with you.

4. hassle = 麻烦
ex: It’s too much hassle to go see her for one hour.
ex: It’s a big hassle to fly to Maldives.

5. layover time= 停泊时间
ex: The layover time from Shanghai to SZ is 3 hours.

6. long distance relationship= 远距离恋爱/异地恋
ex: I’ve been in a long distance relationship for 2 years.